If you choose to follow Jesus , please let us know by clicking the button below! This is the start of the most significant journey of your life.

Who is Jesus?

Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus stepped into human history. He lived 33 years fully God and fully man. He is the son of God and came to bring peace to a world marred with conflict.

Jesus chose to sacrifice himself on the cross so that whoever believes in Him could have eternity in relationship with Him in heaven. He took on the weight of all the wrong and darkness humanity had ever created, and bridged the divide for us to be seen as pure and blameless in the sight of God.

Jesus taught us how to live by faith, be known by love, and be a voice of hope to the world. 

His life proved to us that:
Your future lies beyond your failures.
Your pain makes way for your greatness.
Your fear can be overcome by freedom.

What do I do next???

Here are a few things our team has put together to help you on the path of following Jesus.
There is no perfect formula and this is not about doing all the right things, these are simply a couple of ways we have found helpful in this journey of living the life you were created for in Jesus.